VFX-Workshop, 233 rue de la Croix-Nivert, 75015 Paris

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06 61 16 19 98

une passion pour la technique et les effets spéciaux

DNEG nous fait un retour sur sa visite

Au mois d’avril, nous avons eu la chance d’accueillir Jon Capleton (Build Artist Manager) et Harriet Edge-Partington (Talent Acquisition Partner) de la société Double Negative.

Suite à cette rencontre, Jon nous livre ses impressions :


I was impressed with your set up there, and also the philosophy behind what you are doing. I liked your singular focus on VFX, and what the students need to know to get into VFX jobs. You are obviously passionate about what you are doing. I suspect that will rub off onto your students. I also thought that the fact that your tutors are coming from current industry positions is very telling too. With the rate of software and techniques evolving ever more quickly, having that direct link with whats happening live in the studios will give you a real competitive edge on the other schools.


Getting the skills on the technical side is imperative.


I thought the standard of the work you showed us was very good, especially after only being 6 month in on the first year ! I really look forward to seeing how the VFX-Workshop will grow and develop, I suspect you are on the right path.


Un grand merci pour ces commentaires et votre support !

#DNEG #Feedback #Visit #VFX #School #Paris


retrouvez l’article sur leur visite ici : http://www.vfx-workshop.com/double-negative-en-visite-chez-vfx-workshop/

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