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une passion pour la technique et les effets spéciaux

Paul Swendsen “in love” with VFX-Workshop

Au mois de Mars nos élèves ont eu la chance de pouvoir suivre une Masterclass exceptionnelle avec Paul Swendsen, Matte-Painter qui a dans sa carrière travaillé pour de nombreuses sociétés à travers le monde. Il nous livre ses impressions sur cette expérience :


I have to say that of all the schools I’ve worked in, your’s sticks in my mind all the time. I will say yours is a loving school. It’s an odd word to use for a school “loving”. I never defore associated that word with a school before. That is however what i feel about it. It was a different experience. It’s because of you. You give all you have unselfishly. The students should feel blessed to be a part of it. They could not find it anywhere else that I know of.


I am sure your school will grow.

Thank you again for letting me be a part of it.


Merci à toi Paul ! Nous espérons t’accueillir à nouveau bientôt !


#Feedback #Masterclass #VFX #School #Paris


retrouvez l’article sur cette Masrterclass ici : https://www.vfx-workshop.com/une-masterclass-avec-paul-swendsen/

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